@Valid 和 @Validated
和 @Validated
; @Validated
所属包为 org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated
是 @Valid
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| public class Attachment { @Id @NotBlank(message = "id can not be blank!", groups = {All.class, Update.class}) private String id;
@NotBlank(message = "fileName can not be blank!", groups = {All.class}) private String fileName;
@NotBlank(message = "filePath can not be blank!", groups = {All.class}) private String filePath;
@Field private byte[] data;
@NotBlank(message = "metaData can not be empty!", groups = {All.class}) private String metaData;
@NotBlank(message = "uploadTime can not be blank!", groups = {All.class}) private String uploadTime;
public Attachment(@NotBlank(message = "id can not be blank!", groups = {All.class, Update.class}) String id) { this.id = id; }
public interface All { }
public interface Update { } }
单独对 groups
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@PostMapping("addAttachment") public MessageBody addAttachment(@RequestParam("file") final MultipartFile multipartFile, @Validated(Attachment.All.class) Attachment attachment, BindingResult results){ return attachmentApiService.addAttachment(multipartFile,attachment,results); }
@PostMapping("updateAttachment") public MessageBody updateAttachment(@RequestParam(value = "file",required = false) final MultipartFile multipartFile, @Validated(Attachment.Update.class) Attachment attachment){ return attachmentApiService.updateAttachment(multipartFile,attachment); }
- 校验的注解中不分配 groups,默认每次都要进行验证
- @Validated 没有添加 groups 属性时,默认验证没有分组的验证属性
- @Validated 添加特定 groups 属性时,只校验该注解中分配了该 groups 的属性
- 一个功能方法上处理多个模型对象时,需添加多个验证结果对象,如下所示
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| @RequestMapping("/addPeople") public @ResponseBody String addPeople(@Validated People p,BindingResult result,@Validated Person p2,BindingResult result2) { }